Steelseries apex pro tkl mini
Steelseries apex pro tkl mini

steelseries apex pro tkl mini

The SteelSeries Apex Pro Mini turned up with perfect timing. The SteelSeries Apex Pro Mini and the Apex Pro Mini Wireless will be available worldwide starting this week, priced at €199.99 and €259.99 respectively.SteelSeries has taken the design of its range of Apex keyboards to create a smaller version, the Apex Pro Mini. If you need a bit more freedom, there is also a wireless version, which includes all the same features, but adds 2.4GHz Wireless and Bluetooth Connectivity. Its small size makes it ideal for saving desk space, travelling, LAN parties etc. The Apex Pro Mini is also the first 60% keyboard in the Apex line-up. Now, with OmniPoint 2.0, SteelSeries has improved things further, achieving faster response times of as low as 0.54ms, and Dual Action keypresses, so users can configure two actions to one key. No other mechanical switch has offered this same level of customisation at this point. The switches allow users to adjust the actuation point, so you can customise your keyboard for deep presses or light touches of each key, depending on your own preferences. SteelSeries first launched OmniPoint switches with the Apex Pro back in 2019.

steelseries apex pro tkl mini

The new mini keyboard also makes use of SteelSeries' new OmniPoint 2.0 switches, delivering even faster response times, faster actuation speed, as well as more durability and customisability compared to a ‘standard' mechanical keyboard. The SteelSeries Apex Pro Mini keyboard comes in a 60% formfactor, making it even smaller than a TKL keyboard, making it ideal for those looking to save on desk space. SteelSeries has made plenty of great peripherals over the years and now for 2022, the company is refreshing its Apex keyboard line-up with two new additions – the Apex Pro Mini and the Apex Pro Mini Wireless.

Steelseries apex pro tkl mini